About us
Herts & Beds Advanced Motorcyclists is run by a keen Committee, and many other volunteers.
The Group is affiliated to IAM Roadsmart and is a registered charity.
As well as preparing Associate members for test, we help all our members develop their riding skills through mentoring and courses.
We run group ride-outs throughout the year, and are happy to arrange individual coaching sessions.
We will keep you informed and entertained by emails, newsletters and meetings. In the winter months, there are a range of talks covering topics on motorcycling and other related issues, normally presented by guest speakers.
For more details, click on the Calendar of Events
Why not try it out for yourself?
You can book a free 'Taster ride' with one of our Observers. There is no obligation to continue the course afterwards - but we wouldn't be surprised if you did! The QR code is below, or you can click the blue box beneath it.

Your journey starts...
Most members join us to complete the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Course, which will improve your riding safety and enjoyment. But that isn't the end of the story....
Many go on to further develop their skills by becoming one of our Ride Leaders, or an Observer, or even training with the IAM for their IAM Masters qualification, the highest civilian motorcycle riding qualification you can get. All members can attend our courses on Slow Riding, Cornering and Braking, or the Theory of advanced riding.
Many come on our Group Rides, to enjoy the company of like minded riders, develop their riding skill, chat during a coffee stop, or visit a place of interest with friends in the Group.
Maybe you would like to enjoy the Social activities at a Group night, where you will hear the news from the Group, maybe listen to an interesting speaker on a motorcycling topic, or just have a good natter.
Perhaps you would like to help organise the way the Group is run by taking on an administration role - everything we do is managed by volunteers within the Group, under the Guidelines given by IAM RoadSmart.
The Choice is yours to make!